- / Tips
When there is piping involved I put my binding on upside down and backwards! - this is the method taught by Susan Cleveland and it works great. So you join the binding strips with diagonal seams as shown before until you have the length needed...
- / Tips
Now we have the piping constructed and we're ready to move on This shows how I trim my piping with an "add a quarter" ruler. I snug the ridge right up against the piping and cut. Always position and pin the piping while on a...
- / Tips
My "BIG" quilt project is almost done. I'm going to finish the edge with piping and binding. I need about 10 yards (360") of 1 1/8" green for the piping. I'll repeat from brown with wider strips for the binding. I thought some of you...
- / Updates
Big excitement!! My new quilt "Begonia Picotee" won Best of Show at the Humboldt Arts' Council Member's Show. It will be on exhibit through December and is in the upstairs gallery. (Morris Graves Museum of Art, Eureka, CA) stop by and see the art if...
- / Updates
I was looking through old sewing pictures this morning and happened upon this beautiful shot of ME! This was in 199? something. A few years back. There are now 18 grandchildren, then there were not quite so many. So that year I decided to make...
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