New Threads


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I received my thread order from Superior Threads and was happy with some new colors.  I’ll be using them to complete my Avenue of the Giants quilt. I’m especially happy with the new varigated Fantastico colors.  (By the way Superior has honored me on their blog as a “Superior Star”. Whoopie!)  Superior Stars 

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Quilting with a black backing

I’ve been working on another forest scene – it’s at the quilting stage.  I used a plain black backing fabric and have changed the bobbin thread some…not as much as on top, but you can see that the design shows up pretty well.Lots more to quilt but I’m hoping to have it done in a couple of weeks. Here is the sneek preview of the back…xave 800





Thread Time to Order

I’ve been majoring on Superior Threads for some time.  When quilting a piece, I make do with what’s on hand, but a couple of times a year I need to restock the quilt rack.


So I pulled out the cards from Superior to compare and see what’s missing. I love the Trilobal threads because they have a nice shine which calls more attention to the embroidery and quilting. 

I use huge amounts of greens and browns each time a forest scene is in the works and a big variety is what I prefer to do.  I’ll be comparing what is here and what is available to place the order. Here are some of the thread cards from Superior I have to check out. Pretty, yes!? I’ll show you a picture when the new stock arrives. Have a good day!




Beach outing

Birthdays come and go…for mine this year we went for a walk on Dry Lagoon Beach. 

It’s one of my favorite things to do.

Here are a couple of shots from the beach.





Then we had dinner at Trinidad Bay – here’s the new dock area.

Very pretty, but my mind keeps going back to the old weathered and wooden dock that was there for many years.


Thread Leaves

As always, thread is a major factor in my landscape quilts.

This scene had bright lacy looking leaves, so I decided to add thread to the top before I added batting and quilted.

Here is the effect before the quilting. I used two different Rainbow threads from Superior.



I used a zigzag stitch and a random movement with my hands to achieve the look.

When I quilt the piece I’ll add a bit more.



For a patio for my quilt, I decided to paint the squares instead of piecing them

So first I found a fabric that sort of had a similar color and a bit of texture.

I drew my lines onto the paper side of freezer paper…and numbered them.

Then I cut the freezer paper apart on the lines and pressed them all down onto the right side of the fabric. 

I pulled off a checkerboard pattern of the pieces; mixed paint in terra cotta and brown and dabbed the paint on with a sponge.



I let it dry and then put back those pieces and pulled off the others.  This time I mixed the colors with a bit more brown, hoping that the finished piece would show a pattern.  (I should have used a bit more).





When I quilt it I will define the lines a bit more, but I’m fairly peased with the results.



New Class Hearts ‘n’ Flowers

I’ve designed a new little quilt for a class.  I’m calling it Hearts ‘n’ Flowers.  The class will teach a strip and slash method for the background piecing and shadow applique with accent stitching.  In a two class format there will be time for free motion quilting instruction and for improvement in our skills.

I’m hoping to have opportunity to work with you in a new class setting.

Eureka Fabrics in Old Town Eureka has recently started featuring quilting classes.  This will be my first opportunity to teach there.



Come join the fun!
