Thomsen Barn T

The second quilt made of this round barn for my friend.  This one is a different angle of the scene. I enjoyed having the opportunity to do another one.

The whole adventure of traveling to take pictures with my husband and seeing the barn after 12 years was fun. The sad part is that the barn had collapsed in the interim.  Thankfully we had pictures from the earlier time at a different angle so that this quilt would be a little different.

45″ wide x 32″ tall

Below you see the painted barn with thread being applied for texture. then the fence which was the last touch, couched over the quilted piece.

Round Barn Fence

Thomsen Barn J

Jan's Round Barn
J Thomsen Barn Loleta Ca

My friend’s grandparents owned this barn during her childhood.  This quilt was made as an honor to that memory.  I used Mosaic foreground, painted barn image with heavy threadwork and embroidered trees.  35″ wide x 27″ tall

12 years later she asked me to do another one for her brother. See Thomsen Barn T

Crescent View

One of our favorite views along the north coast of California is as you travel north, just before topping the hill into Crescent City – you get a view of the harbor.  This shot was taken by my husband from a pull out on a road near there.  He likes to frame his photos with a couple of trees or something.  I’ve loved this view.  So as always, I think, I’ll just make a quilt using this scene.

43″ wide 71″ tall

The sky is woven, the rest of the scene is collage from printed fabrics. There is an overlay of tulle which adds some texture.  There is a binding with tiny piping on the edges.

2nd place, Redwood Arts Assn. Eureka, CA – 09/21


Forest Path

Forest Path is a visual trip into the redwood forest.  I love those days that I can really walk among these giants.  Sometimes, in Spring we can glimpse some beautiful Rhodys here and there along the way.  I hope you enjoy my new little quilt.

35″ x 44″

Forest Path Quilt
Forest Path Quilt







Gold tiny piping at edge


Stepping Up

Stepping Up  65″ x 64″

While walking through Prairie Creek Park we happened upon a bridge over a stream.  I was fascinated by the lush greens on the steps.  It became a project which I call Stepping Up.  The quilt is made in a collage manner with many fabrics and tulle overlay.

Trinidad Beach

Once again I have done a painted landscape scene.  My style is to use a picture as a biginning inspiration and then paint on white fabric.  After that I put batting and backing behind the picture and machine quilt it with intention of adding depth and detail to the quilt.  Perhaps you can tell that some of the tree details have been added with thread.

24″ x 18″

This is a small quilt, but it’s of a scene I love.

trinidad detail

Barefoot at the Zoo

Barefoot at the Zoo quilt

Barefoot at the Zoo

40″ wide and 32″ tall

This quilt was part of a challenge in our Fiber Art Group.

I loved how the children were having such a good time in the little wading area (shallow)

This quilt is finished with a faced edge.  It has a sleeve on the top back edge for easy hanging with a dowel or curtain rod.


We travel to Paducah, Ky occasionally for the quilt show.  It’s the time of year that the Dogwoods are in bloom.  When “a tree” was the challenge for one of my Fiber Art Friends’ projects, I thought these dogwoods would be something a little different than my normal subjects.  I chose to use both white and pink blossoms where two trees overlap.

The methods are mostly applique.  The blossoms have paint details, some are stitched down and some have petals that float above the surface of the quilt. Many of the centers have a bead embellishment.

31″ x 80″

All wall quilts have a “sleeve” attached at the top back for easy hanging using a dowel, or curtain rod.

Majestic Redwoods

Another Redwood quilt–I know, probably too many.

This scene was inspired by a recent trip to Richardson’s Grove…such a pretty park.

67″ wide x 65″ tall

The method is Mosaic piecing almost entirely for the background and the trees are free form collage.  There is a layer of nylon tulle over the surface.  Then it is heavily quilted with Superior Threads.  (Warm cotton batting)

All wall quilts have a “sleeve” attached at the top back for easy hanging using a dowel, or curtain rod.

Many Have Come and Gone

This quilt was made during my “Thread Embroidery ” experimenting stage.  The tree and the leaves are constructed of thread and then appliqued to the quilt top.

The quilt background is satin and has beaded details around the border.

51″ x 51″

All wall quilts have a “sleeve” attached at the top back for easy hanging using a dowel, or curtain rod.